A magical book by debut novelist, Sally Tissington where three generations of women’s lives are dominated by a carousel in their back garden. This is not just any carousel the only horse is an injured, bloodied war horse, a model of a vulture rips up meat for its chicks under the shadow of the Gates of Death and there is even a giant crocodile with a hook through its mouth.
The monstrous carousel contains a message, a reminder that life comes with suffering. This is a lesson the three women have learnt through the pain of illegitimacy, bullying and betrayal. The carousel will never let them forget that life is not about being happy but knowing that there will come a time when happiness ends. But can Amanda change her fate and find love or will someone have to suffer first? The ending will be worse than any of them ever imagined and it all started with a candle, gently floating down the river in a tin foil dish, outside a country pub.
“As one of the great professionals in our industry, Isabel is a full-service agent who provides top-notch mentorship and guidance with each new project. Indeed, she is the kind of agent and coach who challenges her writers to aim ever higher as they pursue their craft.”
Kenneth Womack, Creative Authors Client