March 8th, 2023

Inspiration and Love Made Me More

Ispiration. Sometimes elusive and sometimes magical.

The idea for my new book, LOVE MADE ME MORE, came to me in one of those magical moments—complete with pixie dust and twinkling lights. Well, maybe not the last bit.

Many times I’ll have a partial idea, or just a title that sounds great, but then the story falls apart or I just can’t figure out all the pieces to complete the story’s puzzle. But then, sometimes, I’ll get the entire story in a flash—like a movie playing behind my eyes. It was if the Story Inspiration Fairy Godmother had decided to pay me a visit that evening.

I hurried to write down all the details—the refrain, the twist, and the imagery. In the morning I reread my notes and I new this story about an origami crane was special. I couldn’t stop smiling!

I showed my critique partners, and after a few revisions I was ready to show the world. I decided to test the waters with this story by entering it in the Barbara Karlin Grant competition. Months later I received a Barbara Karlin Letter of Commendation. Next, I submitted it for consideration to be included in the Rutgers One on One Mentoring Conference. I received a letter of acceptance and was later matched with author, Trinka Hakes Noble.  The mentoring process was a wonderful experience and her insights helped bring my novel to the next level.

I was still seeking representation at that point and had decided to pitch another story that had also been a gift from the Story Idea Fairy Godmother. It was with that story, Lilla’s Sunflowers, that I signed with Isabel at Creative Authors.

Isabel quickly sold Lilla’s Sunflowers—which was thrilling! I couldn’t wait to show Isabel my origami crane story, but I was also a little nervous. I knew a story about an inanimate object might be a hard sell. I was so excited when Isabel told me she loved the story. We crafted a pitch and not long after I received an email from Isabel telling me she’d met an editor for lunch and had showed her Love Made Me More and we had an offer!

And now, hopefully, my little origami crane will be flying off bookstore shelves and into the hearts of new readers.

Writing is such a personal endeavor. Every story I write is a little piece of me. Some more than others. Not many people can understand what it feels like to have your stories accepted and loved by an agent, editor, and eventually readers. But then there is always the constant worry—will I ever have another magical idea? I’ve sold four books, but maybe they were a fluke. Writing professionally is not for the faint of heart, but there is nothing else I’d rather do.

And, psst, the Story Inspiration Fairy Godmother recently paid me another visit—I’m currently revising this new story. Fingers crossed it will be loved.

Love Made Me More tells the tale through the eyes of an origami crane. The crane is a beloved friend of a little boy. But as the boy grows, the crane’s place in his boy’s life changes. It’s a “tug-at-your-heartstrings” tale about relationships, and even as circumstances change, love is always at the core.

Happy writing to all my fellow writers! I hope you all receive visits from your special Story Inspiration Fairy Godmothers!




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Our Books
by Colleen Rowan Kosinski


“Isabel Atherton helped me find the best place for my first picture book – the award winning ‘The Only Child.’ She is not only a experienced and professional book agent, but also a trusted friend, who guides like a friend and shares ideas. The process of book publishing with Isabel was a really sweet and smooth journey for me.”

Guojing, Creative Authors Client.